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Neve Foreman


Current MSc student. Neve is using hyperspectral satellite imagery to differentiate species of aquatic plants in shallow water. As a case study, she will focus on differentiating finger kelp (L. digitata) and eelgrass (Z. marina) off the coast of Sheet Harbour, Nova Scotia. The goal is to determine whether hyperspectral imagery is an effective tool for creating accurate maps of bottom species in shallow water as many aquatic plants, including finger kelp and eelgrass, will have changing suitable habitat due to ocean warming and other anthropogenic effects. Outside of the lab, Neve enjoys playing and teaching piano, figure skating, spending time outdoors, and lifting weights.
Current MSc student. Neve is using hyperspectral satellite imagery to differentiate species of aquatic plants in shallow water. As a case study, she will focus on differentiating finger kelp (L. digitata) and eelgrass (Z. marina) off the coast of Sheet Harbour, Nova Scotia. The goal is to determine whether hyperspectral imagery is an effective tool for creating accurate maps of bottom species in shallow water as many aquatic plants, including finger kelp and eelgrass, will have changing suitable habitat due to ocean warming and other anthropogenic effects. Outside of the lab, Neve enjoys playing and teaching piano, figure skating, spending time outdoors, and lifting weights.




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